Business Solutions Fax Solutions - Barcode Grouping
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  grouping by barcode
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iRondo collates faxes by coverpage barcode


I have a fax server, and the cover page of the incoming fax pages carries a barcode. I want to group all the pages that belong to one barcode together in a single file, whose name is the barcode value.


The Barcode Based Grouping profile of iRondo monitors the fax server output queue and can

Identify the barcode on cover pages, or each page
Collate the group of images by the barcode value
Create multi page TIFF or PDF files to hold the images
Name the file with the barcode value
Append additional pages if they come in later

Without missing a beat, it can pick up where the fax left off, if the fax connection breaks


Don't lose pages ever again - no operator misfiling or loss of pages
Save labor – operators do not have to sort pages by hand
Save time – files are immediately available to the business
Save paper – no need to print paper for filing
Enable automatic routing to final destination
File the fax images where you need them and can find them again

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